mentioned earlier - Part2 of our Group AGM this evening and minor re-shuffle completed (due to
Ian being occupied elsewhere!) with, I'm glad to say, no divisions ... bit of a contrast to our
erstwhile local Lib-Dem colleagues :-(
... for those 'political anoraks' out there who are interested in such things, the complete list of the refreshed Labour Group posts follows below - our focus will certainly remain three-fold:
- promoting Edinburgh's wider interests at every possible opportunity
- speaking up in defence of essential front-line public services here in the city
- scrutinising every action of the current Council Administration
Andrew Burns - Group Leader
Ricky Henderson - Deputy Leader
Lesley Hinds - Chair
Ian Perry - Vice Chair
Angela Blacklock - Secretary
Paul Godzik - Assistant Secretary
Gordon Munro - Whip
Cammy Day - Vice Whip
LABOUR GROUP SPOKESPERSONSRicky Henderson - Finance & Corporate Resources
Lesley Hinds - Health & Social Care
Cammy Day - Housing & Local Services
Ewan Aitken - Voluntary Sector
Paul Godzik - Education, Children & Families
Angela Blacklock - Early Years & Equalities
Gordon Munro - Culture, Sport & Leisure
Ian Perry - Transport & Infrastructure
Maureen Child - Environment & Sustainability
Norma Hart - Economy & Regeneration
Eric Milligan - Planning / Police
Eric Barry - Fire / Licensing
Donald Wilson = Governance, Democracy & Smart City