Thursday, June 02, 2011

"Too posh to poster"

Well, the Full Council Meeting did indeed have only one really significant debate - and it was, as predicted, on the Alternative Business Model (ABM) report.

Sadly, the report was pushed through by the local SNP, despite the best efforts of the Labour and Green Groups to simply concentrate on the Public Sector Comparator work :-(

On a more light-hearted note, the funniest moment of the whole Council Meeting came when Councillor Alison Johnstone accused the Tories of being "too posh to poster" as they tragically managed to win majority support for their call to ban lamp-post posters :-))

Now, regular readers will know, I'm not exactly a fan of the dreaded lamp-post posters, but to ban them in the year of the first stand-alone Council elections - when turnout will likely go through the floor - seems crazy to me ...

... and worse than that, we spent longer debating the bloody lamp-post poster ban than discussing the possible privatisation of huge swathes of Council services :-(

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