Friday, January 16, 2009

Unfair Scotland Fund?

The so-called 'Fairer Scotland Fund' (FSF) saga in North Edinburgh continues to rumble on and on ...

... think I last mentioned it back in December when numerous deputations came up to the Full Council?

In December, what many thought was a bit of a 'breathing space', was achieved by an all-Party agreement to refer everything on until the next Policy and Strategy Committee meeting (on 20th January) ... dialogue could continue and possible transition arrangements put in place?

At least that's what I hoped - but it appears none of that has happened :-(

The promised 'further report' is indeed at next Tuesday's Policy and Strategy Committee (main agenda can be found here and the specific report on FSF here) ... there is no mention of ANY CHANGE in stance or ANY POSSIBILITY of some sort of transitional funding :-((

... yet please do have a look at Appendix 1 of that specific report on FSF - it shows two very clear facts:
  • most of the 12 (geographical) Neighbourhood Partnerships have managed to resolve their 2008/09 and 2009/10 allocations, some even have small 'carry forwards'
  • the Strategic Partnerships (see numbers 13-16 in the Appendix) have also mostly resolved their allocations but have an astonishing total 'carry forward' of over £540,000

Surely, with a bit of political will, some transitional relief could be corporately managed for the many Forth Ward projects who are currently facing complete closure?

I won't be holding my breath ...

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