Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Poll conundrum

There's a truly unmissable quote from our great Leader in today's Evening News ... it relates to a poll by MORI (commissioned by the Council) which found that a 'record 95 per cent' of people believe Edinburgh is a good place to live. Actually, its been in the low 90 per cents for quite some time ...

... but the same poll also found the Council's own approval rating had plummeted from 56 per cent to 48 per cent – with particular concern about whether taxpayers were getting good value for money.

The Councillor Leader is quoted as saying:

"Its odd that satisfaction with life in the city is so high, compared to the council's lowly approval rating. I would like to know why that is?"

If she honestly doesn't know the answer to that, then Edinburgh really is in deep, deep trouble ...


Anonymous said...

The poll is obviously because of the nonsense that is the trams - a Labour baby.

Andrew said...


Thanks for the comment.

I just don't agree I'm afraid.

Do you honestly think that:

- trying to shut 22 schools
- close 4 Community Centres
- removing swathes of school meal entitlement
- raising school meal prices by 10p
- reducing devolved school budgets by 1.5%
- practically privatising home care services
- failing to start the building of any further new schools
- reducing voluntary sector funding in former-SIP areas via the Fairer Scotland Fund
- asking for robes to be re-introduced
- installing traffic lights in the City Chambers
- and agreeing to refurbish old desks for Council Meetings

... has nothing whatsoever to do with that poll??

If you do, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention, kept Mike Rosendale in a job after asking many many questions at full council about various things but especially because he was head of strategy for Children & Families and they headed over to the new administration with a huge deficit which all of our schools and communities are paying for today and will do for years to come.