Monday, August 03, 2009

Bin dispute over??

I posted just a few days ago about the current Lib-Dem/SNP Administration's startling communication skills throughout this whole dispute ...

... well, tonight we've got this (successful resolution of current dispute!) from the Council: the bin strike is off?

... and this more qualified statement (see announcement column for 3rd August) from the Union: indicating that it all depends on whether proposals stack up?

And as far as I understand it, nothing has changed in terms of the actual Council offer ... there have simply been yet further talks to clarify what is actually on the table; but obviously the Union still believes that the offer (and its implications) have not been properly explained.

From the 25th June (the start of the current action) to the 3rd August, and we still have no clear communication from those in charge - to those affected by these proposals - stating without any dubiety just what is on offer ... meantime, six weeks of disruption to the residents of Edinburgh have ensued :-(

I'd love to be wrong - but I'll wager the two sides left the room today without agreeing a joint written-statement which was to be released to the press, and then one side (the Council) has gone to the press with their version of events?

Frankly, I hope that the Council version of events is correct - but it does appear to me to be somewhat premature to claim that the Union have agreed to recommend to their members that the current action should be called off.

And worse still, if that's not actually true then emotions will only be further inflamed by the Council Leader claiming today that the dispute has been successfully resolved ...

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