Friday, January 22, 2016

Council Budget for 2016/17 now confirmed

I've referenced this week's Council Budget Meeting in several recent blog posts - see here and here, in particular ...

... the actual Meeting was yesterday (Thursday 21st), and the approved Coalition Motion is now available via the following link:

The relevant Council News Release follows here:

And all of the Reports/Motions from the meeting are visible via this link:

The webcast of the whole meeting is here:

... my own contribution to the debate can be seen directly via this link:

As I say at the end of that contribution; I do want a clear message to go to all those - in this election year - who are standing for Holyrood ...

... the days of centralised control of local community services have to come to an end. Enough really is enough. It's time to re-empower local communities and give Local Authorities back some control over their own destiny.

Time to let go.


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