Friday, May 18, 2012

A very proud day ...

A very proud day for Edinburgh Labour yesterday ...

... after 5-gruelling years in Opposition, my good friend and colleague Donald Wilson was formally appointed as Lord Provost of Edinburgh; and I was formally appointed as Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council :-)

Whilst we enjoyed every minute of yesterday, we all know the really hard work starts now; and every one of the 20 Edinburgh Labour Councillors will work tirelessly over the coming 5-years towards delivering on the promises we made to the people of the Capital.

- and huge thanks again for all the messages of support and encouragement over the last 2-weeks ... we've been quite overwhelmed by them!


Grant Cunningham said...

Delighted for you yesterday and your pride and passion were obvious for all to see.

Good on you you've got your party buzzing

Andrew said...

Thanks Grant :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Andrew.

Good luck in your new role.

Andrew said...

Many thanks :-)