Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sherry baby

No, not the famous song, but the 2006 film of the near-same name ...

... managed to catch it on Film4 last night and, if you haven't seen it, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Definitely not a film to cheer you up - it's essentially a story of a recovering addict (Maggie Gyllenhaal), just out of prison, who is looking to be reunited with her young daughter - but things don't quite go to plan ...

... its a gripping portrayal of the ensuing personal turmoil for all concerned.


  1. The song is actually only called "Sherry". Initially it was Jackie (after Jackie Kennedy I believe) but in the studio changed to Terry and then finally called Sherry after one of the Four Seasons' friends.

    Or so I was told.

  2. Isn't amazing the information you get in the Sunday Post?


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