Thursday, July 10, 2014

Developing Community Assets ...

Part of the Council's "Cooperative Capital" programme is to try and encourage/facilitate Community Engagement and the use of potential Asset Transfer, where there is significant Community interest in such ...

"The Council wants Edinburgh to become a Cooperative Capital where communities are much more involved in planning, managing and delivering services.

The idea of this approach is to give local people a greater sense of choice and control over the public services they use.

The aim is to provide quality services that meet the needs of our citizens and businesses in the face of bigger service demands and less funding."

I was thus particualry interested in some recent information sent through to me by an Edinburgh-based organisation, COMAS, who were asked (in 2008/09) to develop a training pack for community groups that were acquiring and developing community assets for their communities ...

... relevant case studies, and all the significant sections of the training pack, are still freely available on-line - via this link.

It may well be of interest - and still of some use - to many Edinburgh communities?

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