Not back in the Office until next Monday 22nd July; but e-mails are being read by staff.
Do text me if you need to contact me urgently.
Obviously had to spend a considerable time at the Allotment today ;-)
... and, despite the lack of rain, everything was in very reasonable order - and, as you can see - we did manage to get a decent crop of:
- strawberries (4lbs!)
- gooseberries
- spinach
- broad beans
- onions
Over to sunny Salsburgh tomorrow to visit family :-)
Welcome back Andrew. Please explain why it is fine for our chief executive to take up an additional post, because I can't find anybody who isn't going WTF??
Thanks for your comment ... some further detail here: ... and the link/s therein.
And many thanks for checking the blog.
No, had a look but not convinced. I believe the city is entitled to the full time attention of a full time chief.
I respect your view.
Here's some further clarification that didn't see the light-of-day in the various press coverage:
- this post is a non-Executive one, the demands of which will not affect the time the Chief Executive expends on Council duties, which currently runs at some +60-hours per week, and will remain thus.
- the total demand of this non-Executive post is between 10 and 12 days per year, and Annual Leave will be used to meet that requirement; thus further reinforcing "no overall loss of time to Council duties".
- any 'pay-element' is being directly donated to a series of Local Charities.
- the Chief Executive sought legal advice about any conflict of interest, and has had it confirmed that there is none.
Even if you don't agree - hope this helps reassure you to some extent.
And thanks again for checking the blog
That sounds better, thanks for taking the trouble as none of that was in the coverage.
No problem - and thanks for the further feedback; much appreciated.
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