Monday, July 22, 2013

Back at work

Back at work today, and catching up on the inevitable tsunami of e-mails and messages ... if you're waiting for a response on an issue, I will have them all cleared within the next couple of days.

Still very few Committee Meetings for the rest of July - next main one, for me, is the 6th August Corporate Policy and Strategy Meeting; and I'll post up the various links/reports etc. next Wednesday when they are all available via CPOL.

I'll also be back to my regular Wednesday evening Surgery (at Fountainbridge Library) from this week (24th); but no Monday or Tuesday Surgeries for a few more weeks until the local schools return in mid-late August.

If you need to speak to me, but can't make the Wednesday evening, then do e-mail and/or call - all the contact details are here.

And - I hope everyone is still enjoying this uncharacteristic Summer-weather :-)

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