Friday, December 14, 2012

Council debate on Castlebrae Community High School

The Council Meeting was somewhat dominated by the debate on Castlebrae High School - and rightly so; its an important, ongoing topic which will come back to Full Council on Thursday 14th March 2013 for further decision.

I spent a few more minutes than normal in seconding my SNP Colleague, Councillor David Key, who moved an Amendment on behalf of the Labour/SNP Coalition.

This was all in response to a Green Motion, which the Lord Provost accepted was an emergency issue.

My full speech can be found here ...

... and, as you'll hear, I promised to put all the documentation into the public domain - thus the list of links that follows (they are all chronologically referenced in my speech):
  1. the July 2012 letter to the Scottish Government
  2. the July 2012 'Schools for the Future' submission to the Scottish Government (see pages 31-34)
  3. the September 2012 letter from the Scottish Government/COSLA
  4. the October 2012 response, from the Council, to the above letter
  5. the 25th November 2012 list of projects from the Scottish Government
  6. the 29th November 2012 PowerPoint presentation to the Finance Committee
  7. the 5th December 2012 Scottish Government news release following the Autumn Statement
If you're interested, probably best to listen to the speech to make sense of these various documents and their context.

I sincerely hope the open publication of all this purely factual information helps the debate over the coming weeks.

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