Monday, May 09, 2011

The real political distraction?

Probably not wise to rant-on too much about the Holyrood election results :-((

I'm certain there will be time for more 'considered' reflections in the coming weeks ...

... but, for what it's worth, I really do think Scottish Labour should calmly reassess its view on the devolutionary process - and, as I've made clear on numerous occasions, I do personally believe it is a process not an event.

It might be tempting to revert to the comfort-zone of developing policy on other issues, but until there is clarity on the constitutional question within Scottish Labour (and other Opposition Parties), I fear that 'all else' will ultimately be the real political distraction?


Jon said...

I think Scottish Labour needs to seriously consider independence and not just resort to a knee-jerk unionist reaction to increased powers for Scotland. IF the tide of public opinion does swing towards independence and Scottish Labour fights tooth and nail against it they run the risk of being discredited for a generation in the new Scotland. As the SNP cosy up to big business there is still a need for a party of the left in Scotland - and up here left means left, not the centre-left of UK Labour in recent years. I am hopeful/optimistic that a new Red/Green outlook is where Scottish Labour needs to go, leaving behind some of the outdated sacred cows of the past, but still campaigning hard for workers' rights, for fairness and equality.

Andrew said...


Thanks for the comment.

I entirely agree that it needs to be seriously considered.

Personally, I've long been a UK-federalist, but I've never doubted the intellectual integrity of those who believe in Independence for Scotland and respect their views.

It's a huge political tragedy (as far as I'm concerned) that serious activists on both sides of the Scottish political divide can't appear to have a more rational debate on these crucially important issues :-(

Thanks for checking out the blog.


selma said...

Andrew..true, it's a process, but the process has to be informed. and we still don't have a wider debate-discussion on independence - federalism, i.e pros and cons.
i think there is a danger that scotland continues to vote one way for UK Westminster & one way for Holyrood. What is needed to spark that debate-discussion? if it's seen to be 'political' and led by 'politicians' what chance then to stimulate that debate, draw in younger? non registered? non voters?

Andrew said...


Agree that discussion is limited - but I think Scots do understand the various options that are possible ... but, personally, I think it would be good to see more senior political figures engage in the debate (constructively!) instead of shying away from it.
