... only two hits :-(
Now, before you rush off and relocate to Durham, it is a new unitary authority so not sure if that really counts as a 'gain' :-((
... but Slough is a definite Labour gain from 'no overall control'.
Given it looks like Johnson is going to take London, it seems a move to Slough could well be on the cards ...
So what's happened? Actually, I hate these sort of "what's gone wrong discussions" cos everyone just uses a bad result to reinforce their own opinions. It's cos of blah blah...(if only they'd listened to me..)
Actually, as we all know, politics in the country always see-saws just cos, after a while, there's a feeing that "the current lot have been in power too long". And then anything negative is presented by the opposition as complacency by govt. They've been in power too long! They take us for granted! They're out of touch!
Aye indeed. Here endeth the lesson. Gordy's doomed. And actually it's cos of Iraq...(if only they'd listened to me..)
Chin up old boy, you'll get them on the return leg I'm sure.
Gill has just been on the BBC site and Labour have made a gain in Bolton (her old stomping ground)!
So, its not all bad. Just 99%...
... of course - if we had a decent electoral system ;-)
P.S. I think they won 1-seat in Bolton, the Council is still in NOC. Slough is the only 'Labour Council-Gain' of the whole night :-((
Thanks for the comment - as long as that return-leg is the General Election?
Boris Johnson running London is one thing (bad, yes); but David Cameron running the country ... that would be seriously bad :-(
What about Obama running America?
... very funny :-)
But, depressingly, I just cannot see them running as a 'Team' - no matter who wins the nomination later this year?
Andrew, what do you think to the idea that Boris Johnson (ex-Etonian) stuffing up the running of London would make the UK voters think again about letting the country be run by David Cameron (ex-Etonian)?
Of course, i'm all for Boris being given a fair chance but i'm not confident he knows what he's doing.
Could the floppy haired one be the unlikely source of a Labour revivial?
I only wish you were right ... left to his own devices, possibly, but I'm pretty certain the Tory high-command are well aware of the very danger you outline and I'm equally certain that Johnson will be surrounded by some pretty sharp political operators whose sole-task will be to make sure a 'Tory London' is seen as a success in the run up to 2010 ...
... mind you, he is perfectly capable of 'slipping the leash' - so, here's hoping ;-)
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