Saturday, April 26, 2008

Two-tier school estate?

Shock, horror ... education professionals are worried about the stalling of new school building programme/s in Scotland, which they fear could result in a "two-tier school estate" ...

... never mind 'stalling' - not one single new school contract has been initiated since last May, the programme that's running is the 'old' school building programme. There is no 'new' programme ... it hasn't 'stalled', as it hasn't started :-(

Audit Scotland seemed worried we're about to lose "the pace of change built up over the past nine years or so” ... err, sorry but it's already well and truly lost:
  • 12-months, not one single new school contract has been initiated
  • the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) seems in big trouble
  • even if a version of the SFT is eventually launched, it won't be soon
  • even then, no new school building contract will be initiated that quickly
  • and we all know how long contracts and then actual building can take

I'm beginning to wonder (seriously) whether one single new school contract will be initiated, and that school then built and actually opened in this term of the Scottish Government?

... there are only 36-months left; and I know from experience that the time from contract initiation to actual opening, more often than not, takes longer than 36-months :-((

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