But not only has there been a complete lack of the fabled 'parity of esteem' it seems a pretty appalling political situation locally as well - Cllr. Ford appears to have been voted out by 26 votes to 10 (with 29 abstentions and 3 absentees!) ... and yet there are 23 other Lib-Dems (he's one of a group of 24) on the Council??
You do have to wonder just what the Council Leader, who is one of his political colleagues, is up to ... other than saving her own political skin? At the end of the day, the fact that the supposed final (at the time) decision went to a small Council Committee has to be her ultimate responsibility surely??
Frankly, I don't have a strong view either way on the actual planning application in question - I just don't know enough about the detail of it - but I applaud the fact that Cllr. Ford appears to have been principled enough to stick to his considered opinion.
That principled stand appears to have cost him his job - ousted by lesser people, it seems to me.
I complete agree with your comments Andrew. The treatment of Councillor Ford has been appalling. The SNP's intervention has clearly stated that local government is not as important as whatever they have got planned, and the betrayal of Councillor Ford by his own party is a disgraceful act of cowardice. The worry is that this could have serious ramifications for other Local Authorities in Scotland.
Thanks for your comment - my main fear is as per your last point ... the likely negative, long-term impact for all Local Authorities in Scotland.
Dear Cllr Ford
I wish to express my disgust with Aberdeenshire Council's decision to remove you from your post today and to express my admiration for the way in which you have conducted yourself with great dignity over the last few weeks
You are absolutely correct in your statement that today's decision sends a very poor message to the outside world that the planning system is open to undue influence from these with money, power and access to the decision makers.
I am writing as one (of a different political persuasion to yourself) who chaired the Edinburgh planning committee for 17 years. I was greatly impressed by the way you stood up to the hype and the bullying from Mr Trump and his rather sinister henchman Mr Sorial.
It is a well known tactic to try to get permission for a major commercial/housing development by sweetening the pill with a superficially attractive element such as a sporting facility. David Murray tried the same trick in Edinburgh with a football stadium on one occasion, a motor racing circuit on another, and even a film studio on a third. In all three cases the "carrot" was a tiny part of the development and the real motive was to build housing on hundreds of acres of Green Belt land which he had acquired for a few thousand pounds.
Edinburgh planners and councillors were not conned by David Murray and I hope you and your like minded colleagues stick to your principles and resist by whatever means available the attempts to overturn your democratic decision.
Bob Cairns
Dear Andrew
Text of e-mail to Cllr Ford
"Dear Cllr Ford
I wish to express my disgust with Aberdeenshire Council's decision to remove you from your post today and to express my admiration for the way in which you have conducted yourself with great dignity over the last few weeks
You are absolutely correct in your statement that today's decision sends a very poor message to the outside world that the planning system is open to undue influence from these with money, power and access to the decision makers.
I am writing as one (of a different political persuasion to yourself) who chaired the Edinburgh planning committee for 17 years. I was greatly impressed by the way you stood up to the hype and the bullying from Mr Trump and his rather sinister henchman Mr Sorial.
It is a well known tactic to try to get permission for a major commercial/housing development by sweetening the pill with a superficially attractive element such as a sporting facility. David Murray tried the same trick in Edinburgh with a football stadium on one occasion, a motor racing circuit on another, and even a film studio on a third. In all three cases the "carrot" was a tiny part of the development and the real motive was to build housing on hundreds of acres of Green Belt land which he had acquired for a few thousand pounds.
Edinburgh planners and councillors were not conned by David Murray and I hope you and your like minded colleagues stick to your principles and resist by whatever means available the attempts to overturn your democratic decision."
All the best to you, Roz and Michael over the festive season
Thanks for posting the text of your e-mail to Cllr. Ford - well said!
Hope all's well and very best wishes for Xmas and the New Year.
Oooh! get real here you lot of backscratchers.
The SNP intervention is of your own construction.
Cllr Ford was going against the wishes of his constituents and merely grinding his own axe.
Got what he deserved too.
Bob Cairns, the man it has often been said, 'Who?'.Anyway, his email is pretty much like anything that daft basa guy puts out on his website. Total p[ish in other words. For Bob to use terms such as 'his rather sinister henchman' merely confirms this fact.
God help us if you lot have any bearing on this country's future.
Thanks for your comment - think we'll need to agree to disagree on this one :-)
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