Friday, August 31, 2007

St. Cuthbert's petition

St. Cuthbert's Primary School has an online petition up and running on the 10 Downing Street website - it's here. I'd encourage people to sign it.

I know that education is entirely devolved, and that the petition to No.10 will likely be passed on, but the petition facility at Holyrood takes some time to set up and I do think that this, meantime, is a good way of registering any objection to what is being proposed.

I'll obviously post on any Holyrood petition once it's established. Unfortunately the Council doesn't have an online petition facility but I do know that St. Cuthbert's have a paper petition for the Council and are in the throes of setting up a website as well.

More to follow next week I'm sure ...


Anonymous said...

This council's behaviour is now getting way way out of hand.

Andrew said...


It's yet another 'consequence' of an ill-considered approach and poor handling of this whole situation ...
