Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Edinburgh Leisure Board Meeting

Edinburgh Leisure Board Meeting this afternoon ... several presentations on a host of pretty topical subjects - not the least of which being the stadium developments at Sighthill and Meadowbank, which seem to have received an inordinate amount of press coverage in the last week or so.

One topic, which hasn't (sadly) got nearly as much local press attention, was the development of golf facilities across the city by Edinburgh Leisure ... as a bit of a part-time golfer myself (I did once play off a handicap of 16 - but that was 'several' years ago!) I found this all fascinating.

It does seem that a huge (Scotland-wide) increase in golf courses has simply not been matched by a similar increase in the actual number of golfers? National projections of such, seem to have been way wide of the mark - although I'm relieved to say that it appears the trend has been slightly bucked in Edinburgh when compared to other similar local authority areas.

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