Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Consultative Committee with Parents this evening

Consultative Committee with Parents (CCWP) meeting this evening ... centred entirely on the upcoming budget, which does seem to be taking up an inordinate amount of time at the moment ;-(

Anyhow, you may remember that I've had a bit of a whinge about the CCWP before - see here and here - well, it was much better this evening (I felt??) with the particular emphasis on one major issue definitely keeping the debate a bit more focused.

I should hasten to add, it's not the folk on the CCWP (except the Chair possibly??) that cause my anxiety but the format of the Group - it's just so large and amorphous and I'm not certain it's the best vehicle for giving School Boards and others the desired city-wide perspective and voice.

I do think a bit of time needs to be spent on considering how to improve it's format - next meeting in March, so I've no excuse for not doing so this time round!

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